Tuesday, January 15, 2013

excuse me while I go off on a tangent...

 I'm not going to lie new years always manages to depress the kak out of me and this year isn't any different. It may due be to that fact that  I'm a cynical bitch but in my defence ,apart from the alcohol consumption, I really do hate the short lived optimism and hoorays that comes with the countdown.
I reckon with the exception of the calender nothing much has changed really . Its the same old dreams, goals, dramas and persistence going forward. we come out of each year with battle wounds, broken arms,broken hearts and having lost a few good men and women along the way. we come out of it all having lost or gained weight and brain cells and sometimes its all just a blurry motion of eating sleeping and shitting .But apart from that  new years are merely a continuation for me and not a huge dramatic change and transitional that the media  seems to blow way out of proption. In no particular order these are my last sentiments of 2012.

  1. Sometimes being quiet and retreating for a moment is the answer, being combative is a total waste of energy and never really accomplishes much in the long run.
  2. Never trust people that are too nice and too enthusiastic...chances are they are overcompensating for something and that usually ends in unfulfilled promises and a breakdown in trust.
  3. Don't read the news...its a total and utter waste of time and energy. Its always bad news and that just perpetuates negativity.In this case ignorance is bliss but be aware of whats going on by merely browsing through tweets it recquires less emotional investing.
  4. Always stay in your lane...do what you want and need to do in order to fulfill your hopes and dreams.The right people will be placed in your path to help you out and chances are you wont have to go looking for them (you will convenietly bump into them while grocery shopping). Dont worry doll the universe will conspire in your favour.
  5. Be Brave and eat your vegetables its all good for you.
  6. Know your worth its okay to say no or charge a lot of money for your skills. Like any best selling self-help book will tell you: " you teach people how to treat you"...Be nice but within reason, I always say.
  7.  Sometimes one friend is enough really its less admin and crap to deal with.
  8. Don't be too eager to show people your enthusiasm especially in this capitalist, eat or get eaten world because people will take advantage of it.
  9. Eintlek fuck fear! That monster is not as big as you make it out to be. People are not as big or intimidating as they would like to think they are. The biggest egos usually carry the biggest insecurities.
  10. Fuck it enjoy life whether it be good, bad, ugly or scary. its all a jol and the fun times are usually the ones you remember the most when your old and nostalgic.
my goal for 2013 in a nutshell is just to create amazing experiences and memories for myself.

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