Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Go on with your black self...

an out dated cry...people carry their black skin like a crucifix. there will come a time when it no longer becomes the excuse, when it no longer matters. i guess that time has come for me when I'm brave enough to believe that i am more than  just my black. I'm not your quintessential, your stereotypical your run of the mill anything, whether it is black, female, black- female or 21 year old.

blaming white people for all our problems is so blase'...its too easy, it comes too easy. the one thing that most black folk don't seem to grasp and come to terms with is that ,yes historically, we have given them too much power (money is power) so with that power they can decide on the game and they can dictate the rules of the game. so now what? we learn the rules, we understand the game and we play. we outplay and we outsmart- simply easier said then done. but only a few understand this and very few of those few actually understand the meaning of outplay and outsmart. that's when we are too quick to lean on "black problems" (its because I'm black syndrome)  a term that highlights the plight of the black man....hahahaha whatever the fuck that means. our biggest problem is that we are poor, even when we are rich as fuck we are still poor.we hate ourselves so much that we hate each other even more. we hate with so much jealousy and conviction that when another black man achieves economic success we cry foul because how dare she/he get to eat at the master's table while the rest of us eat leftovers in the servants quarters. we don't see another's success as an opportunity as a light at the end of the tunnel. black tunnel vision, blind and lacking vision-its a black problem hey!

what i hate the most is that this mentality is being transferred from generation to generation.pity really because, one it either means that the problem is real and does really exist or two we are just creatures of victim hood and we keep perpetuating the same problem expecting different results-insanity . we lack the ability to take any responsibility for anything that's why we would rather be tending to the white guy's vision (garden) for a whole lifetime instead of our own. it would take real balls to be a Mugabe and zap sign society and take on your own vision head to head even when failure is imminent.

"I HAVE A DREAM" of the day when we don't have to prescribe to titles and stereotypes. will there come a time when i don't have to tick a box that says black on a form? highly unlikely because it has become such a part of society's DNA that it would be too much admin to even consider changing it .

anyway i actually love being black its one of the few things i take joy in on this decaying earth. and yes for the last time form, i am black but it is not my disability, fuck being previously disadvantage the world is too vast a place and  life is too short an existence for me to believe i have a handicap purely based on pigment. I'm not by any means disrespecting or downplaying the past but i am simply acknowledging the present and the future. let's move forward and onward with this life thing , black people.

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