Thursday, July 21, 2011

Shaka Zulu meets John Smith

As I was roaming around camera in hand I came around a group of men dressed in a rather bizarre way.....On top they were rocking a full on suit and as your eyes wonder down its full on zulu tribal -cue the African drums and the ululation. I'm always intrigued by people who follow the beat of their own drum........
So of course these men's style triggered a whole train of thoughts.Just the sheer contrast of it all, to me, really showcases this constant battle we Africans are having with the world around us. These Images really make one question whether indigenous culture and tribal aesthetic have a place in this white world? because whether we admit it or not we are really living in a white world and in order to survive one needs to adapt (animal instinct 101) but survive at what cost? Then again, removing the victim hat for a second, I do believe we can truly enjoy the fruits of both worlds that's the luxury we have where I can still be #1 in English class and still be the best stick fighter in the village......
Urban warriors, urban hunter gathers......but are they living by the rules of the jungles?

I dare any Black man to pitch to work wearing the John wakaZulu look with integrity and "wtf are you looking at" strut......takeover mentality

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