Sunday, August 14, 2011

Ukuzala ukuziyelula (to give birth is to relieve yourself)

The inspiration for this blog comes from a picture I took innocently, depicting me in a toy store holding what looks like a anti-colonial baby Jesus. The kind that one would expect to see in a nativity scene under Robert Mugabes Christmas tree.
I immediately named my vinyl bastard Grant after the Child Support Grant that has made making babies into a lucrative enterprise... And the vaginae of every rural and ghetto have been open for business ever since. Neck rolling teenage girls will bunk the SATs right when they ovulating in the pursuit of their Grant. They have this repulsive phrase: "ama-firstborn ayaphela" which in direct translation means "first born babies are getting finished". Its as if these babies have become a Rama margarine special at Shoprite and you should get one while stocks last.
Contrary to that in most South African households this R260 Grant has become the main source of income. It has been what I believe to be one of the many of the post-apartheid government's efforts to curb poverty amongst the most venerable members of society. I do commend them for that. But one always hopes that the money is actually being spent on the baby and not being spent on a rihanna razor cut at the nearest makeshift dunusa salon.
For the sole purpose of this post I wanted to share the slogan of the South African Social Security Agency:
"paying the right social grant,to the right person at the right place and time Njalo !" SASSA (South African Social Security Agency)
Honestly how archaic is this slogan Steve Bantu Biko must be turning in his shallow grave right now.

1 comment:

  1. Some would say its a third party attempt to curb progression, but honestly if we look at the circumstances sarounding the whole damn thing, its who we have intrusted our 'freedom' to thats messing us up. Perpetuating this behaviour by giving these women fish instead of teaching them how to fish or atleast providing them with a damn fishing rod. A solveble problem that will not end...good looking out.
