Friday, January 30, 2015

Religious Identity

SOOoo my recent obsessions have been religious identify and religious personas.

The current focus of the obsession has been with the obsessed Christian and the  performance of their Christian belief. I'm talking specifically about  the die-hard Christian being that will fight you tooth and nail over a bible verse or anything said that goes against or aims to question their belief system.

Through my interaction with such characters I have come to understand & respect that type of christian. I have come to understand that they are that way because they have invested a good portion of their lives and brain matter to taking on that Christian identity. They want to be the 'perfect' Christian   Christian, so much so that, their rational thinking goes out the window and religious dogma takes over.

For me It's always been sad yet I find it fascinating how people are willing to forego their own identity, their true sense if self,  for group identity. It becomes a scary thought when you consider how well organised & constructed religions are.

Churches like schools and any other societal institution gives people that idea of belonging and being like. The perception of being equal (regardless of social factors) to your fellow Christian is why I think people 'choose' to participate in religious culture.

This is the first of many observational blogs on the topic of religious identity. In my own way I am conducting research on the topic of religious identity, as a way of trying to better understand myself and the world and the people around me.

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